The famed gaming giant Ubisoft is extending its renowned alien rabbit characters 'Rabbids' into Reddit NFTs, introducing a new level of excitement and amusement...
Adventure Time is the latest IP to have NFTs released by Funko, something that the traditional physical collectibles company famous for their 'Pop!' series...
Despite historically being known as a 'crypto hater', Peter Schiff is about to release a Bitcoin ordinals NFT art collection. Schiff has previously been...
Renowned automotive brand Renault is once again making headlines in the world of Web3 with its latest NFT campaign, "Create Your SM6." This groundbreaking...
VeVe, the premier digital collectibles marketplace, has once again pushed the boundaries in the growing NFT market. The mobile-first platform known for offering luxury...
Magic Eden debuted its Chapter II initiative earlier today. By issuing traders free SOL for Solana NFT transactions, the multi-chain NFT marketplace's new strategy...
Cryptoys is finally launching its much-anticipated Star Wars NFT collection today, representing numerous iconic characters from the venerable franchise. However, thanks to the blockchain,...
Leading Asian food chain Wow Bao has stepped into the metaverse, launching a unique loyalty program based on non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Customers can mint...
Intending to draw more players by breaking down barriers associated with cryptocurrency use in-game, the popular Web3-based move-to-earn game STEPN incorporates Apple Pay as...
The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) and its parent company, Bowlero, are launching an awards system dubbed 'The League Bowler Certification Awards' (LBC). This initiative...
In the bustling world of Web3 technology, Forj, a subsidiary of Animoca Brands Corporation Ltd, is pioneering a significant advancement. Following the approval from...
Web3 luminary Jack Butcher has set new standards in the ever-evolving art world with the launch of Checks. This open-edition collection has seen astounding...
In an innovative breakthrough, Appleton Estate, a respected Jamaican rum producer, is venturing into the digital world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The brand forges...