The famed gaming giant Ubisoft is extending its renowned alien rabbit characters 'Rabbids' into Reddit NFTs, introducing a new level of excitement and amusement...
Magic Eden debuted its Chapter II initiative earlier today. By issuing traders free SOL for Solana NFT transactions, the multi-chain NFT marketplace's new strategy...
Cryptoys is finally launching its much-anticipated Star Wars NFT collection today, representing numerous iconic characters from the venerable franchise. However, thanks to the blockchain,...
BlockDown Festival has evolved from a virtual conference to a dynamic in-person event. In an interview with NFT Lately, the forward-thinker behind the state-of-the-art...
Intending to draw more players by breaking down barriers associated with cryptocurrency use in-game, the popular Web3-based move-to-earn game STEPN incorporates Apple Pay as...
The Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) and its parent company, Bowlero, are launching an awards system dubbed 'The League Bowler Certification Awards' (LBC). This initiative...
Straight from the frosty wilderness, Pudgy Penguins is flying high, debuting an exclusive line of toys and an interactive platform, 'Pudgy World'.
Quick Takes:
Pudgy Penguins...
Axie Infinity developers, Sky Mavis, have been on a mission, inaugurating a new variant of its game, 'Axie Infinity: Origins', to the Apple App Store.
Tuning in with the iconic DJ and Web3 advocate, Steve Aoki, Relicsxyz (Relics) has set the stage, constructing and launching a metaverse-ready music player...
Moonbirds is creating ripples in Web2 and Web3 spheres over partnering with Spotify. Collectors can now tune in with the unique pixelated owl collectibles...