Icy Tools—the NFT aggregator with useful metric tools, ideal for helping to decide whether a collection is hot or not
Icy Tools is an NFT aggregator that tracks and manages non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This platform lets users see what digital assets curators have been minting, alongside monitoring the value of such projects, collections, and wallets.
The need for Icy Tools includes accessing metrics about NFT collections, such as volume, floor price, and holder distribution.
So, let’s dig into this NFT aggregator to decide whether or not it’s worth checking out.

How to Use Icy Tools
Icy Tools presents information about numerous NFT projects in two specific ways. Firstly, users can use the trending tab to get an idea of what collections are top in the market. This way, you can also get an opinion regarding the current market’s health and which collections are hot.
Secondly, users can check out the “Discover” tab to find whatever they are looking for in an NFT collection – sales floor, volume, market cap, average price, period (up to the last 30 days), and more.
Thus, the platform can give a good idea of what an NFT project is about and whether or not it’s a good idea to purchase the digital asset you firmly have your eye on.
This platform can be handy if you buy such digital assets for investment reasons, to help decide whether or not money can be made in the long run depending on desirability, rarity, history, etc.

Other NFT Tools – More Perks
Other perks for Icy Tools include checking out profit leaderboards for chosen projects, so you can view when others are buying into a project. This is a great way to identify NFT collectors before following their collection.
On the platform, you can also type in the address of your crypto wallet, or someone else, to track the value of their digital assets and recent transactions, which can be extremely useful when deciding to hold or flip an NFT.
Icy Tools also presents a calendar where curators can upload information about their project to gain more collectors and reduce collectors’ time spent looking on Discord, Twitter, and other NFT-related channels to see what’s hot.

About Icy Premium
Icy Premium costs $75 USD per month if you want to get the most out of the platform.
The need for premium access includes diving deep into specific projects and receiving meaningful metrics regarding NFTs’ volume, distribution, and history. If you are interested in an NFT project but need to decide whether to buy one, you can also set up custom watchlists with alerts.
You can pay in either US dollars or ETH. Although, if the price of ETH increases, the number of dollars can equate to a large amount, so be careful.

Reasons for Purchasing Icy Tools
Although the premium version supplies more customization tools, the free version is still helpful if you don’t want to fork out $75 per month. If wanting to pay for the premium version, we advise paying in USD, so you don’t have to worry about the price of ETH changing.
Acording to the Icy Tools roadmap, the platform will soon add additional features, like consolidating multiple wallets and adding Solana support and a leaderboard consisting of NFT whales.
If you can’t wait for Icy Tools to add Solana to its network, be sure to also check out Solana’s NFT aggregator, Coral Cube.
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