The NFT world has witnessed a remarkable collaboration as Pudgy Penguins, the beloved non-fungible token sensation, teams up with the prominent Hollywood talent agency...
The Otherside metaverse project is embarking on a fresh chapter for its "Second Trip". Bored Ape Yacht Club's (BAYC's) Yuga Labs recently introduced Legends...
Pudgy Penguins, critical players in creating NFTs, are waddling to Hong Kong to meet with community members and those who are NFT-curious to discuss...
Pudgy Penguins has been expanding its horizons. First, partnering with LayerZero to waddle across chains and then Hologram Labs to develop 3D avatars.
Earlier today, Pudgy Penguins opened its...
Pudgy Penguins and DeGods are gearing up to unite their communities and offer exclusive insights into their respective projects at "Midnight in Paris"
Two of...
Pudgy Penguins and Sotheby's take the plunge by introducing Soulbound Tokens, a new innovative digital authentication solution
Pudgy Penguins have been far from the chill...
By adding cross-chain technology to its colony, Pudgy Penguins can get the best of both worlds: provenance and user experience
Pudgy Penguins — an Ethereum-based NFT...